Amba maa

From Aryavratpedia

Amba Maa, also known simply as Amba or Ambe, is a revered Hindu goddess, primarily worshipped in the form of Durga or Parvati, who represents the divine feminine energy or Shakti. The name "Amba" itself means mother or divine mother.

Amba Maa is often depicted as a fierce and powerful goddess, symbolizing strength, courage, and protection. She is portrayed with multiple arms, each holding various weapons, signifying her ability to combat evil and protect her devotees from harm. Amba Maa is also depicted as a nurturing and compassionate mother figure, offering love, guidance, and support to her devotees.

The worship of Amba Maa is particularly prominent during the festival of Navratri, a nine-night celebration dedicated to the worship of the divine feminine in her various forms. During this festival, devotees offer prayers, perform rituals, and participate in festivities to honor Amba Maa and seek her blessings for prosperity, success, and spiritual growth.

Amba Maa holds a significant place in Hindu mythology and culture, with numerous temples and shrines dedicated to her across India and other parts of the world. Devotees invoke her name and seek her divine grace in times of both joy and adversity, believing in her power to bestow blessings and alleviate suffering.