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Aerialgram is an online social media service developed and owned by [[Motzoid India]]. ItLaunched ison aJuly free-to-use17, service2021, forAerialgram anyoneinitially who is aged 16 or over. the service allows its users to create content suchdebuted as [[Xa (Socialmobile Media)|X's]]application [[tweets]]available andfor alsoboth post images, documents,iOS and videos.Android users. canIt followis eachdesigned other,to likebe anda commentfree-to-use onplatform, postsaccessible andto alsoindividuals canaged communicate16 similaror to [[Instagram]]older.
The platform offers a range of features allowing users to create and share various types of content, including text-based posts similar to tweets, as well as images, documents, and videos. Users can engage with content by following other users, liking posts, commenting, and direct messaging, akin to functionalities found on other popular social media platforms like Instagram.
In April 2024, Motzoid India responded to user feedback and the evolving needs of the platform by launching a web-based version of Aerialgram. This development aims to enhance accessibility and usability for users who prefer to access social media via web browsers rather than mobile applications. The web version is currently in the developmental stage, with ongoing updates and improvements expected in the near future.
Aerialgram's user base continues to grow steadily, attracting individuals seeking a diverse and dynamic social media experience. With its user-friendly interface and versatile features, Aerialgram remains a prominent player in the realm of online social networking.
== Features ==
* Free-to-use social media service.
* Available for users aged 16 and above.
* Allows users to create and share various types of content, including text-based posts, images, documents, and videos.
* Users can engage with content by following, liking, commenting, and direct messaging.
* Web-based version launched in April 2024 to enhance accessibility and usability.
== External Links ==
- Official Aerialgram website (<nowiki></nowiki>)
- Motzoid India official website (<nowiki></nowiki>).
[[Category:Motzoid India]]
[[Category:Social Media services]]